Despite being similar in aesthetic and utility, golf carts and UTVs do have a lot of differences.

If you are already using them, you can easily use either to take you across your farm or deliver goods. However, if you intend to buy one, it’s a good idea to learn about the potential of each so you can make a better decision. At Ben Nelson Golf and Outdoor Equipment in Madison and Biloxi, Mississippi, we have a wide collection of golf carts and UTVs for sale that you can browse. Check out this brief guide to see which out of the two will better match your requirements. We also serve our customers in Mobile, Alabama and Jackson, Mississippi.

Price Consideration

A side-by-side is expensive – both in terms of the initial cost as well as the after-purchase expenses, which includes insurance, repair, and safety gear. A golf cart, on the other hand, costs you less and the repair and service tends to be cheaper, too.

Street Legal Driving

Side-by-sides aren’t street legal. So, you cannot take your UTV around if you wish to drive round your neighborhood or campus. On the other hand, golf carts are street legal in many states, though you may need to add some upgrades. Ensure that you check local laws before you hit the streets.


Golf carts are particularly well-suited for golf courses. Use it to transport you and your partner along with your clubs and other gear conveniently from one hole to the next. Unless it is a gas model, which many courses do not allow due to noise and pollution, you should be able to easily navigate the course with your cart. Check with your local golf course to see which models they allow and make your purchase decision accordingly.

Most golf courses do not allow UTVs on their premises, so it may not be a good idea to invest in one if you intend to frequent the fairway.

Warehouses and Barns

Whether you need to move around in the barn, transport goods from one end of your property to the other, or organize stuff in a wide area in your warehouse, you may find a golf cart and a UTV serve this need similarly. However, if you need a compact model to shuttle, and unless your cargo is very heavy, a golf cart will be ideal. Not just for its size, but the ease of loading and unloading stuff on a cart is also very convenient.


UTVs have a better hauling capacity than a golf cart as they are bigger and heavier. Also, they can easily perform these hauling tasks off-road and in hard to reach areas. However, unless it is a very heavy load that you have to transport, you can do a decent job with a golf cart, too.

Do you want to know more about either option? Visit Ben Nelson Golf and Outdoor Equipment in Madison and Biloxi, Mississippi. We also serve our customers in Mobile, Alabama and Jackson, Mississippi.