Golf carts are a fantastic way to get around the golf course and around your neighborhood. But like any vehicle, they come with their own safety concerns, which you should familiarize yourself with and stick to diligently.

If you don’t observe safety practices when driving your golf cart, you might jeopardize your safety and the safety of others around you. To skip the hassle, follow the tips below.

1. Wear Your Seatbelt

Golf carts are smaller than cars, but it doesn't mean they aren't just as susceptible to accidents. Unfortunately, golf cart-related injuries are more common than you think. A simple way to stay safe is to wear your seat belt when driving your vehicle.

2. Don't Drink and Drive

No matter what kind of vehicle you are operating, you must remember never to drink and drive. Alcohol impairs your judgment and reaction time, which can be dangerous behind the wheel of any vehicle—including a golf cart.

3. Drive Defensively

Be aware of your surroundings and watch for obstacles or other vehicles that might cross your path. You also want to give yourself plenty of time to stop—remember that it takes longer to stop a golf cart than a car.

4. Avoid Rough Terrain

Golf carts aren't made for off-road riding, so stick to paved roads and well-groomed paths. Driving over rough terrain can damage your golf cart and put you at risk of an accident.

5. Stay Focused

More importantly, you want to keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road when driving your golf cart. Avoid distractions like using your phone or eating when operating your model, and act responsibly.

Follow these simple safety tips and enjoy a fun & safe experience while driving your golf cart. If you have more questions or want to upgrade your golf vehicle to the latest model before your next outing, visit Ben Nelson Golf and Outdoor Equipment. We have dealerships in Madison & Biloxi, MS, and Memphis, TN, where we proudly serve those from Hattiesburg, MS.